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       As an institution committed to provide knowledge and develop the skills, attitudes and values needed by pupils, the school believes in the following principles:




 Accountability- The school is expected to be accountable for the learning out comes of the pupils. It should create an environment that promotes pupils’ success. The school personnel are held responsible for the academic performance and behavior of pupils. The school is also expected to be accountable for all the properties received generated, solicited and other   existing resources.  


Transparency- The staff is expected to manifest honesty in all dealings not only in financial aspect but also in reporting teachers and pupils performance.


Excellence-The school is expected to provide effective instructions. Pupils are    taught to think critically, work cooperatively and be actively engaged in the learning process. Through these pupils will develop skills and knowledge ready to compete in the different contests and be able to bring prestige to the school. In addition, teachers are committed to professional growth to ensure pupils’ success.


Responsibility- The school personnel, staff, members of the different committees are expected to be responsible in thoughts, words and deeds and shall at all times make the most of the resources given.


Team Work-The school is expected to create opportunities for distributed leadership for all the staff. Ensure that working together as an educator community help to move education forward.


Responsiveness- The school personnel are expected to be inclined and responsive in all the situations and give possible solutions as the need arises.

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